Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Screeenshots using Tech. in the classroom

Here are a few of my screenshots from my webquest activities:

Monday, September 28, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009 This the link to my site. It's still rough I been trying to get on as much as possible. Leave me comment as you wish.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

About Webquest

Collectively, we decided that webquests are an intriguing and resourceful tool. The majority of or group thought that Creative Encounters was the best webquest. It was extremely descriptive and provided applications that provoked critical thinking. The group agreed that Creative Encounters was great because of the group collaboration involved in solving the problems. A close second would have to be the one on John Wilkes Booth. This webquest promoted creativity and was very task- oriented.The one that we decided was the worst webquest was the one for Ancient Egypt. The site contained links that weren't working properly and the domain had expired. Because site administrators failed to update the links the site provided a detour. It gave a lot of information on more than one topic making it more difficult for the student to stay on task.

About Me

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West Virginia
My name is Renita. I am a senior at Fairmont State University. I am very excited this year. There is so much going on in my life. One big thing being graduating in December.