Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dominant paradigm is when something becomes widely accepted in a culture and become the model for furute generations.

-(Shepherd (1998) The students got to find a solution to a real problem. It made ideas more concrete and so the students research was apparently better and the class felt better about what they learned because it was real-life. More than a few children need real experience to make their learning stick stay.
-Student can support themselve clearly. It's important not only to know what you know but be able to share it with other and others be able to understand.
(Stepien, Gallagher, & Workman, 1993),
-In one of previous blog post, I spoke of boy who couldn't do classwork but was good with his hands. Students that don't do well tradionally excel in PBL.
(Boaler, 1997; Meyer, Turner, & Spencer, 1997; Rosenfeld & Rosenfeld, 1998).

-(Vernon & Blake, 1993; Albanese & Mitchell, 1993) Students faced with list of given facts use research and their own knowledge to come up with a solution. This model a real situation they may face in their careers. Student test higher on qualifying clinical exams'
-Studies have demonstrated that students who participated in problem-based experiences are better able to generate accurate hypotheses and coherent explanations (Hmelo,1998b; Schmidt et al., 1996)

-Kolodner (2000) Students get the information and understand it better by modeling real life things. Student not only know they also are be to use higher order thinking skills that can be assessed in a variety of ways.
-Hmelo and colleagues (2000) When students provide feedback and collaborate, they can go back and try other things which reinforce their learning.
-Fortus and colleagues (2004) Learning by design bridges a gap between higher and lower achieving student with success and progress for both groups.

Project based learning the student are actively engaged. They do many small things that help to come up with possible solution to a real life problem.
Problem-based learning is way for student to use problem solving skills and research to actively come up with an answer to the problem.
Learning by design is when the teacher has to set up ordinary learning experience and make them more engaging and hands on.

I think the most important benefit to all these approaches is that all student succeed. Students who normally feel defeated by classroom activities excel with these approaches. These approaches also don't stunt the growth of the students who are already excel; if anything they are finally challenged.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you looked up the definition of paradigm!!! Good explanation of the benefits of PBL!

    Total 5/5


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West Virginia
My name is Renita. I am a senior at Fairmont State University. I am very excited this year. There is so much going on in my life. One big thing being graduating in December.